We have been informed that the MMCI block of rooms is full. The hotel is NOT full, just our group block rate of rooms is full. Kelly Stamm has requested more rooms be added to our block. Please try reserving again later today or let Kelly, know if you still encounter a problem.
If you want to reserve banquet tickets for this show, give Kelly a call, text, or msg by March 5th OR mail a check by March 15th, so an accurate head count may be given to the caterers.
MARCH 27-29, 2025
Denison, Texas
Hosted by Jim Esbenshade Family
Coordinated by Clint & Kelly Stamm
Jim Esbenshade has an extensive Massey-Harris collection, much of which is in his 17,000 sq ft 2-story museum “Massey World”. Besides full-size tractors, the museum features an extensive toy tractor collection, plus many donated pieces from around the world. Jim has many acres of all brands of interesting tractors and trucks, plus unique business ventures you will see on the property.
Show Headquarters: Enjoy the conveniences of having our vendors, auction, banquet, and lodging all under one roof. The Hilton Garden Inn, located conveniently right off U.S. Hwy 75 is our show HQ facility. The Hilton is offering a special rate for MMCI guests of $125 for single King or double Queen rooms including breakfast for TWO per room per day. Call 1-903-463-3331 and ask for “MMCI” room rate OR book through this link: https://www.hilton.com/en/attend-my-event/mmci-march-event2025/ Room block will be held until March 12, 2025. Please help us meet a quota to offset the cost of renting the Convention Center by booking your lodging at this Hilton Inn.
Farm Tours: Several collectors from the area have committed to bringing Minneapolis-Moline tractors to display at HQ site or at Esbenshade’s so you won’t have to drive a lot to view them.
Scheduled & On-Your-Own Tours: Manufacturing and other tours are being looked into. Any tour sign-up sheets will be at show headquarters. Choctaw Casino is 17 minutes from Esbenshade property. Ole Red [Blake Shelton’s bar] in Tishomingo OK is 39 minutes from Durant OK or 54 min from Esbenshade’s. The area Chamber of Commerce are working with us to offer you all the sites and experiences their communities have to offer. Pamphlets available at the show.
Auction: Saturday morning, March 29th @ HQ site – 9:30 a.m. Bidder registration starts at 8:30 a.m. StandardMMCI auction rules apply, 10% seller’s commission, consignors must be current MMCI member with dues paid for 2025, or we can deduct dues from consignor’s sales check. Please ensure that all consigned parts are free of any oil and grease.
Vendors: Contact Kelly Stamm – 785-541-0832 or stammtractors@gmail.com ASAP to reserve your space. Booth charge – $12 per table. All tables and chairs will be provided. NO CHARGE FOR DISPLAY VENDORS —- pre-registration is appreciated.
Banquet: Saturday, March 29th – $25 per person. Send ticket reservation checks by March 15, 2025. Make checks payable to MMCI and mail to Kelly Stamm – 2154 17th Rd – Washington, KS 66968. Social hour begins at 6:00 pm with meal served at 6:30 pm. Receive tickets at Stamm booth when you arrive @ show HQ. ***Plans are in the works for a Thurs or Fri night get-together. More details in next issue.*